4 Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Tips
1. Maintain a Healthy Weight – Being overweight increases your risk of heart disease. A BMI of less than 25 and a waist circumference of...

How to Accelerate Healing of an Injury
Ignoring pain wont make an injury better. The method to speed recovery safely that seems to work best is: get circulation into the...

5 Ways to Burn Additional Calories
Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns up calories. A body that consumes 3,000 calories a day and burns 3,000 calories a day...

No More Weight Loss—Gain Weight Control!
In today’s society of the glamour models with toothpick legs and flat stomachs on every magazine cover, people are becoming more obsessed...

Weight Training & Fat Burning
Incorporating weight training into your regular exercise program can help burn unwanted fat pounds for two reasons. One reason is the...

4 Standing Ab exercises; You're Not Doing, That You Should Be
We all know that our core is the powerhouse of our body, being so we have to make sure it remains the most secure, balanced and strong....

The CORRECT Way To Run
So many times we hear, "man, I wish I could run like them", or "I'm not a runner". Tho there are many factors that play a part in being...

7 Basic Stretches Every Runner Should Be Doing
We all know that stretching should be an everyday part of our routine, but how much, which stretches and for how long has always been a...

8 Foam Roller Exercises To Keep You Loose and Feeling Great!
Most of us have seen them, and maybe even tried to use them from time to time, but hardly without the proper purpouse. Mostly we'll grab...