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8 Foam Roller Exercises To Keep You Loose and Feeling Great!

Most of us have seen them, and maybe even tried to use them from time to time, but hardly without the proper purpouse. Mostly we'll grab it when we have some ache or pain to try and "roll it out" so that, hopefully it makes it feel better. So what really is the purpose of the foam rollers? There are many types, and they all serve the same general purpouse, that purpose is to act as a massage agent on an inflamed, tight, or troublesome area. Much as a messue would use their hands to apply pressure to massage an area out, the foam roller uses your body weight and any additional weight applied or taken off, depending on the amount of pressues needed or desired.

Hamstring: The hamstring is the larg muscle group in the back of the leg responsibile for the concentric motion of walking or running.

Purpose: To realse the hamstrings that can prohibit the lower back from using a proper range of motion that could potentially affect the hipflxors and lower back in a long term scenario.

Movement:This stretch is going to be done by sitting on the roller and making a back and forth motion in the forward direction, using the weight of your body to massage small sections of your leg at a time.

Outter Thigh: The outter thigh is responsible for lateral stability

Purpose: To release the IT band along the hip to knee portion of the leg to alieveate tension and stress along that portiion of the band.





Erector Spinae:






Hip (TFL):



Outer Lower leg (peroneals):



Upper back (Rhomboids):



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